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Could your Career Bring About a Divorce?

People in the UK spend an average of 41 hours each week at work. In other words, if someone were to begin full time employment at 20 and remain employed in this capacity until the age of 65 then – excluding sickness or holidays – they would have spent a total of 11 years at work. Like it or not, our jobs play a huge part in our lives and, as a result, are certain to influence marriages and, in some instances, cause divorce. Following the news that entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Duncan Bannatyne, is now embroiled in divorce proceedings, Quickie Divorce began to wonder whether the sheer amount of time and dedication that certain employees may be required to put into their work could bring about a divorce. If our presumptions were correct, then business owners, Managing directors and other employees with high levels of responsibility would be amongst those most likely to be divorced. Well… we were wrong. Individuals that are employed as professional dancers and choreographers are actually the most likely individuals to divorce, with researchers at America’s Radford University claiming that 43% of all people that work within this sector have been through a divorce at some point. Barmen and massage therapists shared second place with 38% and casino workers and machine operators rounded out the top 5 having recorded figures of 34% and 32% respectively. Those least likely to divorce included agricultural engineers, optometrists and transit police. The study in question failed to put forward any suggestions as to why these careers are likely to end in divorce, however, and it is reasonable to suggest that individuals that are drawn to such careers are more prone to divorce rather than these careers themselves facilitating marital separation. Irrespective of the lack of clarity, these statistics are certainly interesting. If anyone would like to put forward their own theory, then please leave a comment below.

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